Picture of cows grazing.


Interested in high quality eggs and beef? You have the option to purchase eggs or beef from our farm whenever you stay at one of our glampsites. Contact us for pricing and more information!

brown eggs.



1 dozen eggs are included every time you stay at one of our glampsites. Additional eggs can be purchased - contact us for prices. Our eggs are from our small flock of chickens - comprised of about 20-30 Ameraucanas and Barred Plymouth Rocks.

four steaks.


Various prices

Contact us for more information! We offer various cuts of beef to our guests. These include ground beef, steaks, roasts, and stir-fry! Our beef is grass fed, grain finished, and dry-aged to create superior quality and flavour!

Chicken symbol.
Free range chickens living on grass, kitchen scraps, and feed
Cow symbol.
Grass fed, grain finished and dry-aged beef